Well, it’s certainly been one hell of a big year. We were privileged to a host of interesting and challenging new projects and welcomed several new clients to Axiom.
A diverse array of re-brands, the creation of some new brands and management of existing ones, this year we had the architectural, communications, engineering, financial, mining, property and solar energy sectors covered.
We also undertook a range of exciting signage projects for iconic Perth projects such as Century City, Fremantle Prison, Kings Park and the Royal Flying Doctor Service.
We’ve also been undergoing a new office fit-out (nearly done now, thank god) and endeavoring to re-do our own brand (yes, again) it has certainly been a busy, but thoroughly rewarding year!
We would like to thank all of our valued clients, fellow collaborators/conspirators and suppliers for their support in the past year and to wish all a safe and enjoyable festive season.
We would also like to advise that our studio will be closed from the 24 December to the 12 January. If you have an urgent query during this time please contact either: Ben on 0419 044 418 or Sean on 0414 389 632.
Despite the outlook, we’re really looking forward to 2009. Whilst we acknowledge that it might be a little bit more difficult than we’re all used too, we’d very much like to prove all those Chicken Little’s wrong, the sky is NOT falling. Our belief is if you’re good at what you do, have a solid and respected business and have not been recklessly exploiting the market during the boomtimes, then this is just the sort of shake up the economy needs. So hopefully, by the end of 2009, only the best will still be standing, and that can only be good for everyone, right?